Wednesday 30 April 2014

O nouă pagină în cartea de onoare a Fundaţiei Alpha Transilvană

Gânduri frumoase, aşternute în Cartea de onoare a Fundaţiei Alpha Transilvană de Alteţa Sa Regală Principele Nicolae al României:

”I have worked within this area before but mainly within the outdoors industry. I admire the whole team and all the volunteers that allow what the center does. It is not easy work but it is very rewarding for those who not only volunteer but also those who come here to help.
I would like to mark this occasion by offering my time, to come back and be a volunteer.
With all my admiration and many thanks to helping an area of society that really needs it.”
Prince Nicolas of Romania.

<  Alteţa Sa Regală Principele Nicolae al României, voluntar la Alpha Transilvană